A single place for your digital products

We store your digital products in a secure and fast way so you don't have to. Just upload and share the link with your customers.

Brought to you by TheDeveloper.life

Create your products

This is the 1st feature that I implemented. Using Netlify Blob to store your digital products.

It's also helpful to remind myself that even though I can use S3 for pretty much anything, I still need an app that I can just quickly store any digital products and get a link to put into my landing pages.

What I want:

  • A simple way to store and manage my digital products
  • Minimum data input
  • Quickly get a permantent link to my product

Mobile friendly

Hey, I know you want to manage your products from your phone as well, right?


  • New layout that can work well on both Desktop and Mobile, thanks to TailwindCSS
  • Delete your product are also supported now.